Splitting Selves: Crip Time and the Temporalities of Disability in Georgia Webber’s Dumb: Living Without a Voice

  1. Coral Anaid Díaz Cano 1
  1. 1 University of La Laguna, Spain
Canada and Beyond: a Journal of Canadian Literary and Cultural

ISSN: 2254-1179

Datum der Publikation: 2022

Ausgabe: 11

Nummer: 1

Seiten: 9-30

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.14201/CANDB.V11I9-30 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen Access editor

Andere Publikationen in: Canada and Beyond: a Journal of Canadian Literary and Cultural

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


In the graphic narrative Dumb: Living Without a Voice (2018), Canadian cartoonist Geor-gia Webber explores her acquired physical disability after a severe vocal injury leaves her voiceless. As a talkative, social young woman working as a café server, Georgia’s life is interrupted when she is forced to adapt herself to a different way of navigating the world. Previous scholarly work has analyzed Dumb to articulate a connection between comics theory and disability rhetoric (Dolmage and Jacobs 2016) and explored its fruit-ful linkage between voice/voicelessness and identity (Venkatesan and Dastidar 2020). Building on the path opened by these scholars, the aim of this paper is to critically examine the representation of disability and its engagement with the concept of crip time in Dumb by drawing on the interdisciplinary fields of disability studies, crip theory, and comics theory. The first section of this paper will build on Alison Kafer’s formulation of the strange temporalities of disability (2013) to investigate the ways in which Webber constructs non-conventional layouts where she incorporates different formal elements to present Georgia’s lived experience of disability as a disruption of conventional tem-poralities. Special attention will be paid to the endless, frustrating routine of paperwork to apply for disability welfare that the protagonist faces when her condition renders her unable to work. In the second section, I will draw on the work of Ellen Samuels (2017) to examine how Webber negotiates her shifting identity by graphically splitting her embodied self on the page, composing a parallel timeline where she visualizes her pre-disabled and disabled selves. The power of the pictorial is also extended to Webber’s clever usage of color: while her cartoonish drawings appear in black and white, she employs red to draw Georgia’s inner voice and her pain. Finally, my last section will employ the conception of crip time developed by Petra Kuppers (2014) to explore Georgia’s reconnection with herself through her breathing exercises and her orientation towards artistic creativity. Overall, I will argue that Dumb does not present a narrative of recovery, as Georgia does not heal from her injury but engages instead with her disabled existence by turning inwards and depicting her voice (lessness)

Bibliographische Referenzen

  • Chute, Hillary. “Comics as Literature? Reading Graphic Narrative.” PMLA, vol. 23, no. 2, March 2008, pp. 452-65. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/25501865.
  • Chute, Hillary, Graphic Women: Life Narrative and Contemporary Comics. Columbia UP, 2010.
  • Chute, Hillary. Why Comics? From Underground to Everywhere. Harper, 2017.
  • Dolmage, Jay, and Dale Jacobs. “Mutable Articulations: Disability Rhetorics and the Comics Medium.” Disability in Comic Books and Graphic Narratives, edited by Chris Foss et al., Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp. 14-28.
  • El Refaie, Elisabeth. Autobiographical Comics: Life Writing in Pictures. University Press of Mississippi, 2012.
  • Gray, Brenna Clarke. “Canadian Comics. A Brief History.” The Routledge Companion to Comics, edited by Frank Bramlett et al., Routledge, 2017, pp. 62-69.
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  • Kafer, Alison. “Compulsory Bodies: Reflections on Heterosexuality and Able-bodiedness.” Journal of Women’s History, vol. 15, no. 3, fall 2003, pp. 77-89. Project MUSE, http://doi.org/10.1353/jowh.2003.0071.
  • Kafer, Alison. Feminist, Queer, Crip. Indiana UP, 2013.
  • Kuppers, Petra. “Crip Time.” Tikkun Magazine, vol. 29, no. 4, 2014, pp. 29-31. Project MUSE, muse.jhu.edu/article/558118.
  • Rifkind, Candida, and Linda Warley. Introduction. Canadian Graphic: Picturing Life Narratives, edited by Candida Rifkind and Linda Warley, Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2016, pp. 1-19.
  • Samuels, Ellen. “Six Ways of Looking at Crip Time.” Disability Studies Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 3, 2017. DSQ, dsq-sds.org/article/view/5824/4684.
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  • Valenti, Kristy. “It Reopens Old Wounds—That’s a Double Entendre, There! A Conversation with Georgia Webber and Maria Sweeney.” The Comics Journal, vol. 2, no. 305, 2020, pp. 56-77.
  • Venkatesan, Sathyaraj, and Diptarup Ghosh Dastidar. “‘Lost Your Superpower’? Graphic Medicine, Voicelessness, and Georgia Webber’s Dumb.” Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, vol. 63, no. 1, 2020, pp. 207-17. Project MUSE, http://doi.org/10.1353/pbm.2020.0015.
  • Webber, Georgia. Dumb: Living Without a Voice. Fantagraphics Books, 2018.