Relación del doble estándar sexual con la satisfacción y la excitación sexual

  1. Álvarez Muelas, Ana
  1. Juan Carlos Sierra Freire Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 2023(e)ko otsaila-(a)k 17

  1. Wenceslao Peñate Castro Presidentea
  2. Raúl Quevedo Blasco Idazkaria
  3. María del Mar Sánchez Fuentes Kidea
  4. Pedro J. Nobre Kidea
  5. Nieves Moyano Muñoz Kidea

Mota: Tesia


The sexual double standard (SDS) implies evaluating a given sexual behavior with different criteria depending on if a man or woman performed it (Fasula et al., 2014; Milhausen & Herold, 2002). Traditionally, this attitude has implied defending men having more sexual freedom than women. Studying the SDS is relevant for its relation with sexual health because there is evidence for its negative effects on men and women’s sexuality. The scientific literature has debated about its existence and implication on several sexual health dimensions. To answer these questions, using different standards for men and women has been proposed, and in relation to a wider variety of sexual behaviors. Bearing in mind these recommendations, the present doctoral dissertation aims to: (1) examine the prevalence of different SDS adherence typologies for two independent areas of sexual behaviors; (2) analyze their implication in sexual functioning, specifically in sexual arousal and sexual satisfaction.