Mujer sin hogaruna aproximación a la extrema exclusión social en Santa Cruz de Tenerife

  1. María Arias Jiménez
  2. Raquel Darias Martín
  3. José Manuel Díaz González
  4. Fernández Méndez, Felipe Santiago
Trabajo social hoy

ISSN: 1134-0991

Año de publicación: 2023

Número: 99

Páginas: 7-26

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Trabajo social hoy


Homeless women are in an extreme situation of social exclusion where the influencing factors have not been known in depth in the people cared for by the Comprenhensive Care Service for the homeless of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. An approxi-mation to this reality is made by analyzing the service database to determine the factors that have the greatest impact and if there is a correlation between them. There is a high incidence of disease and disability, highlights the low level of training, high unemployment, and low economic resources. This research coincides with the findings found in other studies and the difficult reality they experience makes social integration difficult for them given the confluence of multiple risk factors.

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