CAS (Computer Algebra Systems) y software de geometría dinámica. Un ejemplo de aplicación.
Universidad de La Laguna
ISSN: 1885-2912
Year of publication: 2007
Issue: 8
Pages: 9-27
Type: Article
More publications in: FPIEM: Formación del Profesorado e Investigación en Educación Matemática
CAS (Computer Algebra System) together with the surroundings of Dynamic Geometry have turn out to be an important element for the resolution of problems in the last years. In addition, these technological tools are considered as an innovative element for the teaching of Mathematics and its use in the class has taken to us to reflect on its utility to favour the learning. On the other hand, the identification of learning trajectories (Camacho y Santos, 2004 y 2006) can be considered as an important factor when designing activities for the students of High School This paper deals with a problem which shows on the one hand, how the use of these tools favours the construction of mathematical relations and on the other hand, the exploration of connections.