Structural and functional motor-network disruptions predict selective action-concept deficits: Evidence from frontal lobe epilepsy

  1. Moguilner, S.
  2. Birba, A.
  3. Fino, D.
  4. Isoardi, R.
  5. Huetagoyena, C.
  6. Otoya, R.
  7. Tirapu, V.
  8. Cremaschi, F.
  9. Sedeño, L.
  10. Ibáñez, A.
  11. García, A.M.

ISSN: 1973-8102 0010-9452

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 144

Pages: 43-55

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.CORTEX.2021.08.003 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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