Relación entre el afrontamiento y el perfeccionismo en adolescentes

  1. Adalberto González Martín
  2. África Borges del Rosal
Investigaciones DACIU 2022-2023: Una publicación que refleja los trabajos realizados por los participantes en el programa DACIU en su primera edición

Publisher: Avanza

ISBN: 978-84-09-50462-6

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 185-192

Type: Book chapter


Research on personality has studied several constructs and the interaction between them.Two of these constructs are perfectionism and coping. Perfectionism is a trait that directs theway in which people develop their tasks and goals, while coping refers to the way in which anindividual solves situations whose demands are beyond his or her basic capabilities. The aimof this research was to test the relationship between both constructs and their components. Forthis purpose, a sample of 1549 students from 17 educational centers in the Canary Islands wasused. The instruments used were the CAPS scale to measure perfectionism, and the ACS scale tomeasure coping. A factor analysis was carried out which showed the existence of a relationshipbetween both variables, with greater weight in one of the coping components within perfectionism. It is important to continue investigating the personality components that determine thewell-being and development of individuals from childhood and adolescence.