Al perceptor de pensión de jubilación anticipada no se le puede reconocer una pensión por incapacidad permanente total

  1. Díaz Rodríguez, Juan Miguel
Revista de derecho de la seguridad social. Laborum

ISSN: 2386-7191

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 37

Pages: 119-134

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de derecho de la seguridad social. Laborum


The law establishes that a person who has reached the ordinary retirement age and, in addition, meets the requirements to obtain the corresponding pension, cannot be granted a pension for permanent disability under the same Social Security scheme. However, given that there is no explicit rule of incompatibility between both pensions as such and that the law expressly refers to the ordinary retirement age, the possibility has arisen that the subject who enjoys an early retirement pension may also obtain permanent disability benefits. This connects with the requirement of discharge, or assimilated situation, which is the major premise of the protective action of a contributory type, including pensions for permanent disability, the degree of disability being decisive.

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