Testing Remote Sensing Data and GIS Applications for Forest Fire Risk Modelling in the Canary Islands

  1. Hernandez-Leal, Pedro A. 1
  2. González-Calvo, Alejandro 1
  3. Alonso, Alfonso
  4. Arbelo, Manuel 1
  5. Barreto, Africa 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Laguna

    Universidad de La Laguna

    San Cristobal de La Laguna, España

    ROR https://ror.org/01r9z8p25

37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly

Year of publication: 2008

Volume: 37

Pages: 1228

Type: Conference paper


Satellite remote sensing data provide a really important tool to analyze all the topics related to forest fires in its different stages. The synergy of Geographical Information Systems and satellite images have greatly improved the development of forest fire risk maps, early alert systems and mapping of burnt area and forest regeneration. During the last decades, different strategies have been considered for fire risk modelling, and as it is well known these indexes have been completed using many different representative variables, like vegetation cover, fire statistics, high voltage network, maps of main roads that account for the anthropogenic causes, etc. In this paper a complete analysis of different methodologies for fire risk mapping is made, and some improvement to them are applied to the Canary Islands region in Spain, a specially damaged area during 2007 fire season. The analysis of different fire risk indexes is made using MODIS and AVHRR data and the effect of spatial resolution in these indexes trends is also analyzed over different test areas.