Transport of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles on Board ShipsRisks and Measures to Consider for a Growing Problem
- J.A. González-Almeida 1
- F. Hoyos Medina 1
- M.C. Adrián de Ganzo 1
- A.U. Gómez-Correa 1
- J. Almenar de Luz 2
Universidad de La Laguna
- 2 Fred Olsen S.A.
ISSN: 1697-4840
Ano de publicación: 2023
Volume: 20
Número: 3
Páxinas: 240-250
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Journal of maritime research: JMR
The transport of electric and hybrid vehicles on passenger ships presents a risk of fire, mainly due to the lithium batteries that power these vehicles. This risk has been evident in several incidents, leading to concern and safety measures by shipping companies. Although there are no specific regulations for the transport of electric vehicles on ships, efforts are being made to develop safe systems for their transport and to adjust international maritime regulations to this new scenario. The International Maritime Organisation has acknowledged the risk of fire on ships carrying electric vehicles and has urged the implementation of safety protocols to reduce this risk. Some shipping lines have banned or restricted the embarkation of these vehicles on their vessels, while others have implemented specific measures, such as the acquisition of fire extinguishing equipment and the training of personnel in extinguishing fires on electric vehicles. In summary, the risk of electric and hybrid vehicle fires on passenger ships is a growing concern that requires the implementation of specific safety measures.