MEDIS—A comprehensive spatial database on Mediterranean islands for biogeographical and evolutionary research

  1. Santi, F.
  2. Testolin, R.
  3. Zannini, P.
  4. Di Musciano, M.
  5. Micci, V.
  6. Ricci, L.
  7. Guarino, R.
  8. Bacchetta, G.
  9. Fernández-Palacios, J.M.
  10. Fois, M.
  11. Kougioumoutzis, K.
  12. Kunt, K.B.
  13. Lucchi, F.
  14. Médail, F.
  15. Nikolić, T.
  16. Otto, R.
  17. Pasta, S.
  18. Panitsa, M.
  19. Proios, K.
  20. Sfenthourakis, S.
  21. Simaiakis, S.M.
  22. Tranne, C.A.
  23. Triantis, K.A.
  24. Chiarucci, A.
Global Ecology and Biogeography

ISSN: 1466-8238 1466-822X

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 33

Issue: 8

Type: Article


Sustainable development goals