Roadside disturbance promotes plant communities with arbuscular mycorrhizal associations in mountain regions worldwide

  1. Clavel, J.
  2. Lembrechts, J.J.
  3. Lenoir, J.
  4. Haider, S.
  5. McDougall, K.
  6. Nuñez, M.A.
  7. Alexander, J.
  8. Barros, A.
  9. Milbau, A.
  10. Seipel, T.
  11. Pauchard, A.
  12. Fuentes-Lillo, E.
  13. Ratier Backes, A.
  14. Dar, P.
  15. Reshi, Z.A.
  16. Aleksanyan, A.
  17. Zong, S.
  18. Arevalo Sierra, J.R.
  19. Aschero, V.
  20. Verbruggen, E.
  21. Nijs, I.

ISSN: 1600-0587 0906-7590

Year of publication: 2024

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1111/ECOG.07051 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

Sustainable development goals