Patrones combinatorios del término delito y variación fraseológica en un corpus de textos normativos hispánicos sobre la criminalidad organizada
- 1 Universidad Leipzig (Alemania)
ISSN: 0717-1285, 0718-5758
Year of publication: 2024
Issue Title: Variación(es), enseñanza y traducción: investigación(es) en fraseología
Issue: 14
Pages: 109-128
Type: Article
More publications in: Onomázein: Revista de lingüística, filología y traducción de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
This paper analyses the combinatorics of the terminological unit of law (TUL) delito in a corpus of Hispanic normative texts on organised crime (CRIMO) around three relevant se-mantic values in this specialised domain. First, we have extracted the verb-noun construc-tions (VNCs) (cf. Tabares Plasencia, 2012), including the terminological nucleus delito with object function and distributed them according to the semantic value to which they are associated. Subsequently, their morphosyntactic behaviour has been described, and then the different types of phraseological variation have been delimited. The analysis has led to the following conclusions: (i) both concurrent variation (topolectally motivated heterovari-ation) and co-occurring variation (self-variation in a broad sense) are found; (ii) concurrent variation is, in general terms, a controlled variation, and (iii) the morphosyntactic behaviour of VNCs is similar.