Impact of format on comprehension of economic evaluations. The FORM-EE Study.
- Benjamin Rodriguez-Diaz
- Carmen Guirado-Fuentes
- Aránzazu Hernández-Yumar
- Cristina Valcárcel-Nazco
- Lidia García-Pérez
- Renata Linertová
Technical notes and documentation This publication contains the databases used in the paper for FORM-EE project (general public and professionals), R analysis script for reproducibility purposes, questionnaires used and formats presented to the target audience (infograhic, text and video for the general public; policy brief and executive summary for professionals). Aims of FORM-EE project: Cost-effectiveness analyses of health technologies have become a part of the decision-making process in healthcare policies. Nevertheless, economic results are not always presented in comprehensible formats for non-technical audiences, such as the general population, healthcare professionals or decision-makers. The main objective of the FORM-EE Project was to measure the impact of the format on comprehension of the key messages of an economic evaluation by non-technical audiences. Besides, the perceived usefulness and acceptability of the formats were also explored. The design of the formats reflected the target audience: for the general public, plain language was used in infographic, text and video format, while for professionals from the healthcare sector, more specialized language was used in executive summary and policy brief formats. Files included in this publication: FORM-EE datos pobl gral.xlsx (general population dataset) FORM-EE datos profesionales.xlsx (professionals dataset) Cuestionario FORM-EE Poblacion gral.pdf (general population questionnaire) Cuestionario FORM-EE Profesionales.pdf (professionals questionnaire) FORM-EE_pg_infografia.pdf (infographic format) FORM-EE_pg_texto-sencillo.pdf (text format) FORM-EE_pg_video.mp4 (video format) FORM-EE_prof_policybrief.pdf (policy brief format) FORM-EE_prof_resumen-ejecutivo.pdf (executive summary format) What's new (v2) Script FORM-EE clean_v2.R (updated analysis script made in R language) Formats translation FORM-EE.pdf (english translations of the formats)