Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Lucía Elena Díaz-Iglesias Llanos (6)


  1. Preliminary Report on the Third and Fourth Seasons of the New Kingdom Scribes Project (2021−2022)

    Trabajos de Egiptología=Papers on Ancient Egypt, Núm. 13, pp. 9-51


  1. Augmented Reality' technology and the dissemination of historical graffiti in the Temple of Debod

    Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Egyptologists. (11º. 2015.Florence)

  2. The Courtyard of TT 209 (Areas C1 and C2) Seasons 2012 to 2014

    Trabajos de Egiptología=Papers on Ancient Egypt, Núm. 8, pp. 245-270


  1. Digital epigraphy in the temple of Debod

    Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 45, pp. 39 - 41


  1. Los grafitis del templo de Debod

    La Aventura de la historia, Núm. 174, pp. 72