Department: Física

Research institute: IUDEA institute

Area: Applied Physics

Research group: Física de sistemas microscópicos, mesoscópicos y macroscópicos. Sistemas


Personal web:

Área de Investigación: Ciencias

Doctor by the Universidad de La Laguna with the thesis Optimizing quantum thermodynamic cooling cycles 2014. Supervised by Dr. Daniel Alonso Ramírez.

I am a Ramón y Cajal Fellow at the University of La Laguna. From 2019 to 2022 I was a lecturer in Physics at the University of Exeter and I had previously been a research fellow at the University of Nottingham and at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. My research is focused on the description of open quantum systems. In particular, I am interested in optimising individual quantum systems for use as high-precision sensors—especially as "quantum thermometers". I am also interested in the thermodynamic properties of open quantum systems and, ultimately in the design of nanoscale heat management and cooling devices for the next generation of quantum technologies.