Department: Sociología y Antropología

Research institute: IUEM institute

Area: Sociology

Research group: Pedagogía crítica

Research group: Violencia Sexual


Área de investigación: Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas

Doctor by the Universidad de La Laguna with the thesis Los nuevos escenarios de la inmigración el caso de los/as menores extranjeros no acompañados en Canarias 2014. Supervised by Dr. Marta Esther Jiménez Jaén.

Doctor in Sociology from the ULL and Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology from the UPS and Social Work from the UCM. Member of the IUEM, of the Research Group “Gender, citizenship and cultures. Approaches from feminist theory ”the Cultural Chair“ Globalization, migrations and new citizenships ”, member of the Scientific Committee of the Macizo de Anaga Biosphere Reserve and of the Canary Islands School Council as a professional of recognized prestige. She began her professional career in SSG and Women's Services of the Junta de Extremadura and the Community of Madrid. He has served in the ICI of the Government of the Canary Islands, the Ministry of Education, Cabildo Insular de Tenerife and Forem, Fundescan and Red Anagos. Specialized in the field of the sociology of inequalities, migration, and women's and gender studies, she has taught at different degrees and in the Master of Gender and Equality Policies and the Social Community Intervention of the ULL. He has carried out Research Stays in Centers of Recognized Prestige: Center for International Migration Studies (CEMI) of the University of Havana, Institute of Economic Research of UNAM, Mexico, Faculty of Humanities of the University of Havana, Internet Interdisciplinary IN3, Chair of Gender of the Institute of Public Law and of the Equality Observatory at the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC). She has directed 10 TFM and 15 TFG with a gender and human rights perspective and co-directed a thesis in the Interdisciplinary Program of Gender Studies. He is currently co-directing 4 theses (1 in the deposit phase). She has participated in 3 thesis courts, 2 with international mention at the UPS, the UCM and the ULL and I have been thesis advisor for the Doctorate in Sciences in Ecology and Sustainable Development of the Colegio de la Frontera (ECOSUR) enrolled in the National. Postgraduate in Quality from the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACY) and member of the Thesis panel of the BA in Latin American Studies at UNAM. She has been an evaluator in more than 15 international and national journals and is a member of the Editorial Board of the Revista Sociología y Tecnociencia and Clepsidra. She has participated in the development of different teaching materials (guides, pills) and in more than 10 Innovation projects, four of them as director and presented more than 30 Communications to national and international Congresses, being invited to give 23 lectures and 28 conferences in Congresses. She has been the author of more than 30 articles indexed in scientific journals of which she has been editor of 2. Author of 4 books, editor of 1 and author of 17 book chapters. He has participated in the research team of 6 International and National R&D projects, among which are; “Justice, citizenship and vulnerability”, “Populations and merchandise: trafficking and trafficking of women in Spain” and “Genera; Scientific trajectories of women ”, INCASI and has been the PI of several Regional Projects in the Canary Islands on Sexist Violence, Irregular Migrations, Prostitution of Women and Pornography. He has carried out more than 6 technical consultancy and technical assistance assignments for the public administration and 13 technical opinions or reports in the last 10 years. She received an award from the Government's Vice-Ministry of Education for a project competition and has held different management positions at the ULL: Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Education, Secretary of the Department of Sociology, as well as positions of political representation being Councilor for Urban Planning and Employment of a City Council of the Community of Madrid. She currently belongs to the Board of the Faculty of Education, the Governing Council and is President of the PDI Labor Committee of the ULL.