![Foto de Eva Rosa](/img/uploaded/54D3320B699D761351008FD99BE3C55F.jpg)
Eva Rosa
Darias Beautell
Full Professor
Department: Filología Inglesa y Alemana
Research institute: IUEM institute
Area: English Philology
Research group: Espacios narrativos: Estados Unidos y Canadá
Email: edariasb@ull.edu.es
Personal web: https://ull.academia.edu/EvaDariasBeautell
Área de Investigación: Artes y Humanidades
Doctor by the Universidad de La Laguna with the thesis Shifting sands the bearing of contemporary theoretical discourses on the fiction of four canadian women writers 1997. Supervised by Dr. Bernhard Hans Ludwig Dietz Guerrero.
Eva Darias-Beautell is a Professor of Canadian Literature at the University of La Laguna (Spain). She has been awarded four research segments (sexenios) by the National Research Agency. As a pre-doctoral student, she was the recipient of important research grants from the Canadian and the Spanish governments (such as FPU and the Government of Canada Pre-Doctoral Award). These grants contributed to build a solid research background in Canadian Studies, with an intense, coherent and steady line of research work in that area from her pre-doctoral stages to the present. She has been a Visiting Scholar at the Universities of Toronto, Ottawa and British Columbia, as well as London, Berkeley and Masaryk. Her publications include 32 book chapters in international collections, three monographic books and three edited collections, the most recent being Unruly Penelopes and the Ghosts: Narratives of English Canada (Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2012) and The Urban Condition: Literary Trajectories through Canada’s Postmetropolis (Vernon Press, 2019). She has also recently guest edited two special issues of the journals Canada and Beyond: A Journal of Canadian Literary and Cultural Studies 7 (2018) and Canadian Literature: A Quarterly of Criticism and Review 238 (2019), and published articles in Q1 scientific journals such as Journal of Postcolonial Writing (55, 2019) or Mosaic: a Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature (49.4, 2016). Her most recent article is "Emergency contact: Compassion and precarious love in Michael Christie’s The Beggar’s Garden." The Journal of Commonwealth Literature. Online First Published November 29, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1177/0021989420971001: Q1 (2015, 2016, 2018) and Q2 (2017, 2019). Her work has been cited in The Cambridge History of Canadian Literature (Cambridge UP, 2010) and The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Literature (Oxford UP, 2015) as well as by numerous other works, PhD and MA Theses all over the world. Darias-Beautell has directed seven fully-funded international research projects on Canadian and American literatures, with a focus on critical and affect theory, spatial studies of literature, gender and the canon, areas within which she has supervised five PhD Theses and seven MA theses. Her research projects include The City, Urban Cultures and Sustainable Literatures: Representations of the Anglo-Canadian Post-Metropolis (FFI2010-20989), and the coordinating project (co-IP with María José Guerra Palmero) Justice, Citizenship and Vulnerability. Narratives of Precarity and Intersectional Perspectives (FFI2015-63895-C2-1-R). She currently leads the international research network TransCanadian Networks: Excellence and Transversality from Spain about Canada towards Europe (FFI2015-71921-REDT + RED2018-102643-T). Her most recent line of research focuses on the confluence between urban studies and affect theory. At present, she is at the early stages of planning a monographic book about the representations of (un)happiness in contemporary Vancouver writing.