Delgado Acosta
Department: Física
Research institute: IUDEA institute
Area: Applied Physics
Email: fdelgadoa@ull.edu.es
Área de Investigación: Ciencias
Doctor by the Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea with the thesis Characteristic times and control of quantum dynamics in one dimension 2005. Supervised by Dr. Juan Gonzalo Muga Francisco.
Fernando Delgado (PhD 2005) is a condensed matter theorist with 46 publications, over 1130 citations, 1 article with over 200 citations, and H-index 20 (ISI Web of Science, 2020). He has given 8 invited talks in international conferences, 6 invited seminars, and accumulates over 30 participations on international meetings and conferences. FD has demonstrated his capability to do high-level research in 6 different centers, publishing in high impact factor journals and/or highly cited papers in all of them. He got his degree in Physics by the University of La Laguna (Spain) in 2001 and completed the PhD in Science at the University of the Basque Country in November of 2005. His postdoctoral experience comprises stays at the National Research Council of Canada (2005-2008), University of Alicante (2008-2011), International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (2011-2014), and at the CFM in Donostia (2014-2017). He moved to his present position in University of La Laguna in 2017. FD has been awarded with different grants in international competitive calls, Juan de la Cierva (Spanish Ministry of Science and Education, 2008), Ikerbasque fellow (Basque Foundation for Science, 2014), FCT (Science and Technology Foundation, Portugal 2014) and the "Viera y Clavijo" research fellowship in 2017 . He has been the principal investigator of a competitive grant from the Spanish MINECO. Recent years research has enabled him to establish international collaborations with world-class researchers in the field, as Sebastian Loth (Max Planck, Hamburg), Cyrus Hirjibehedin (UCL London) or Alexander F. Otte (TuDelf, Holland). His current research interest is oriented to magnetism at the nanoscale. In particular, spin dynamics of single atoms (or molecules), behaviour and interactions between few-adatoms arrays, or the interplay between topology and magnetism. In the short and medium terms, he is interested in simulating inelastic transport spectroscopy by scanning tunneling microscopy, single atom electron spin resonance (ESR), and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism. In the past years, he has predicted the appearance of atomic scale spin-transfer torque, spin-parity rules for the atomic spin torque, the manipulation of magneto-crystalline anisotropy by exchange coupling to a non-magnetic substrate, or proposed an effective mechanism for the STM-ESR.