Departamento: Dirección de Empresas e Historia Económica

Institut d'investigació: Instituto Universitario de la Empresa

Àrea: Organització d'Empreses

Grup d'investigació: Empresa y sociedad


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Àrea d'investigació: Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas

Doctor per la Universidad de La Laguna amb la tesi La reputación como recurso estratégico un enfoque de recursos y capacidades 2002. Dirigida per Dr. Antonio Arbelo Álvarez.

Francisco J. García-Rodríguez is Graduate in Economic and Business Science. He is Senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Business Management at the University of La Laguna, Spain. He received BSc and a PhD in Economics and Business Sciences from the same university in 2002. He has been Vice Chancellor of Societal Relations of the University of La Laguna (2015-19) and currently is main researcher of the research group Business and Society. He launched and led for three years (2008-2011) the Entrepreneurship Development Programme at the University of La Laguna and the Master in Foreign Trade Management, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Tenerife. He has been Director of the Young Entrepreneurs Chair and director of the Master in Entrepreneurship. He has held various academic administrative positions, including Director of the Department of Economics and Business Management, Deputy Director of the School of Business at the University of La Laguna. Currently, he is participating in the project “Digital Transformation and Employability: acquiring transversal competences in curricular education”, framed in the Erasmus+ programme (call 2019, round 1 of KA2 Strategic Partnerships For Higher Education and Training, European Union). Likewise he is the main researcher of the project “Spatial configuration, quality and qualification of tourist employment in fragmented insular territories: the case of Canary Islands” funded by Fundación Cajacanarias (Canary Island Regional Government). Among others, he has been main researcher in the projects “Comprehensive plan for the productive, commercial and associative development of the production and distribution units of tropical fruits and food of Cuba”, framed in the programme “AL-INVEST 5.0: integrating growth for social cohesion in Latin America” and "Network of Partnership for Development Activities for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship and R+D+i in students and graduates of the Canary Islands and Senegal", framed in the Transnational Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 of the European Union. Therefore, he participated as a researcher in the "Transnational Network for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship in Technology Based Macaronesia (TRANSCREA)", framed as well in the in the Transnational Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 of the European Union. He has worked as a management consultant and project manager for different organisms in the private and public sector. His current line of research focuses on entrepreneurship, especially in education and the strategic analysis of the firm from the perspective of social and environmental responsibility. This has resulted in numerous studies and publications on a national and international scale.