Area: Applied Physics

Research group: EENSNSLM Estructura electrónica y simulación de sólidos y materiales

Doctor by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid with the thesis Propiedades electrónicas de superficies e interfases efectos de la interacción electrón-electrón y electrón-fonón 1986. Supervised by Dr. Fernando Flores Sintas.

Especialidades predominantes (top 5) Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones help
Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones

Las especialidades temáticas mostradas se han obtenido mediante la aplicación de modelos de inteligencia artificial, obtenidos como resultado del Proyecto Hércules.

El listado puede contener errores. En proceso de evaluación y mejora. Compartido para recoger sugerencias de la comunidad.

  1. Condensed Matter Physics (Physics and Astronomy) Filtrar
  2. General Physics and Astronomy (Physics and Astronomy) Filtrar
  3. General Materials Science (Materials Science) Filtrar
  4. General Chemistry (Chemistry) Filtrar
  5. Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Chemistry) Filtrar

Professor Alfonso Muñoz is a Spanish-born physicist. He carried out undergraduate studies at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, where he received his Ph.D. He is a Full Professor of Condensed Matter and Computational Physics at the Universidad de La Laguna (Spain). He has been working for over 30 years in high-pressure research. His theoretical work in materials under extreme conditions is mainly focused on electronic, structural, dynamic, and mechanical properties from ab initio simulations. He belongs to the MALTA Consolider Team. He was a member of EHPRG Committee during the period 2009-2012 and from 2017-present. In 2019 he was elected President of EHPRG until 2022, and as such he is ex-officio Member of the AIRAPT Executive Committee (from 2019). In 2021 he was elected as member of the C20 Commission of IUPAP.