Luisa María
Vera Peña
Full Professor
Publications (67) Luisa María Vera Peña publications
Correction to: Resources recovery from domestic wastewater by a combined process: anaerobic digestion and membrane photobioreactor (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2024), 31, 37, (49560-49573), 10.1007/s11356-024-34468-3)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Craft brewing as an innovative learning activity for chemical engineering students in Universidad de La Laguna
INTED Proceedings (18ª. 2024. Valencia)
Enhancement of undergraduate employability by ad hoc final degree project
INTED Proceedings (18ª. 2024. Valencia)
Influence of Air Scouring and Residual Fouling on Cake Build-Up and Compression in Membrane Bioreactors
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 63, Núm. 31, pp. 13740-13751
Novel vertical upflow multi-column configured membrane photobioreactor with a filtration control system for outdoor microalgae-bacteria cultivation, harvesting and wastewater reclamation
Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 482
Nutrient removal from secondary wastewater effluent by adsorption with hydrotalcite: effect of calcination temperature and co-existing ions
Water Science and Technology, Vol. 90, Núm. 6, pp. 1814-1833
Pilot scale application of a rotating hollow fibre membrane for direct membrane filtration of domestic wastewater
Journal of Water Process Engineering, Vol. 58
Pilot study on the integration of service learning in higher education within the field of chemical engineering
EDULEARN Proceedings (16º. 2024. Palma de Mallorca)
Resources recovery from domestic wastewater by a combined process: anaerobic digestion and membrane photobioreactor
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 31, Núm. 37, pp. 49560-49573
EDULEARN Proceedings (16º. 2024. Palma de Mallorca)
Evaluation of membrane fouling in a microalgal-bacterial membrane photobioreactor treating secondary wastewater effluent: effect of photoperiod conditions
Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, Vol. 9, Núm. 6, pp. 1672-1682
Optimization of the operating parameters in a membrane bioreactor operated in direct-flow mode by assessing threshold flux for compressibility
Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 274
Performance of a novel rotating membrane photobioreactor based on indigenous microalgae-bacteria consortia for wastewater reclamation
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 119, pp. 586-597
Recirculating packed-bed biofilm photobioreactor combined with membrane ultrafiltration as advanced wastewater treatment
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 30, Núm. 27, pp. 69977-69990
Service-learning in the chemical engineering and environmental sciences degrees of Universidad de La Laguna for the protection of water resources
ICERI Proceedings (16ª. 2023. Sevilla)
The future of chemical engineering: high professional demand and low enrollment in undergraduate programs - The case of Universidad de La Laguna
ICERI Proceedings (16ª. 2023. Sevilla)
Analysis of Membrane Fouling Reported in Membrane Photobioreactors (MPBRs) for Treatment of Secondary Effluents
Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation (Springer Nature), pp. 227-229
Fouling control strategies for direct membrane ultrafiltration: Physical cleanings assisted by membrane rotational movement
Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 436
Preliminary Study of Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) Technology for Energy Recovery from Domestic Wastewater
Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, Vol. 20, pp. 542-547
Secondary wastewater effluent treatment by microalgal-bacterial membrane photobioreactor at long solid retention times
Journal of Water Process Engineering, Vol. 49