Manuel de
Vega Rodríguez
Profesor Emérito
Department: Psicología Cognitiva, Social y Organizacional
Research institute: IUNE institute
Area: Basic Psychology
Área de investigación: Ciencias de la Salud
Doctor by the Universidad de La Laguna with the thesis Procesamiento de información y desarrollo evolutivo estudio de las representaciones a partir de tareas pictóricas y verbales 1979. Supervised by Dr. Vicente Pelechano Barberá.
Professor Emeritus at the University of La Laguna. He maintained an uninterrupted teaching and scientific activity in the field of cognitive and brain processes in language, since 1982. He funded and was the first director of the University Institute of Neuroscience (IUNE), where he and his collaborators develop studies with techniques of electroencephalography, non-invasive brain stimulation and functional neuroimaging. His main lines of research are directed to the neurophysiology and neuroanatomy of linguistic meaning. Specifically, how the brain reuses neural networks of action, inhibition, perception and emotion for the understanding of language. He has published more than 100 articles in international journals of experimental Psychology and Neuroscience, was principal researcher of about 20 competitive projects, and advisor of 22 doctoral dissertations. He has been visiting professor and has developed scientific exchanges in several research centers in the United States (Harvard, Illinois, Oregon, Wisconsin and Memphis), Italy (Bologna, Padua and Rome), Germany (Saarbrucken, Dresden and Freiburg), France (Paris and CNRS), the United Kingdom (Sussex and York), the Netherlands (Max Plank Institute of Psycholinguistics), Cuba (Center of Neurosciences of Cuba), Chile (Concepción), Argentina (Institute of Cognitive Neurology) and China (Dalian). He has been the principal researcher of more than a dozen of competitive projects; has directed 18 doctoral theses and published more than 80 articles, mostly in international journals, and has written or edited 6 books in the fields of Cognitive Psychology, Psycholinguistics and Cognitive Neuroscience. He has received 6 research Awards from the Spanish Government, the maximum possible number, in recognition to his continued scientific productivity. He has been president of the Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology, is Fellow of the Society for Text and Discourse and received the 2017 Research Award from the University of La Laguna.