José Diego Bretón Peña-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (35)


  1. Helium nanodroplets as an efficient tool to investigate hydrogen attachment to alkali cations

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 25, Núm. 1, pp. 462-470


  1. Ca+ ions solvated in helium clusters

    Molecules, Vol. 26, Núm. 12

  2. Growth of rare gases on coronene

    Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, Vol. 140, Núm. 7


  1. A combined experimental and theoretical investigation of Cs + ions solvated in He N clusters

    Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 150, Núm. 15

  2. Snowball formation for Cs+ solvation in molecular hydrogen and deuterium

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 21, Núm. 28, pp. 15662-15668


  1. Lithium ions solvated in helium

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 20, Núm. 40, pp. 25569-25576


  1. Adsorption of molecular hydrogen on coronene with a new potential energy surface

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 19, Núm. 38, pp. 26358-26368

  2. Comparative investigation of pure and mixed rare gas atoms on coronene molecules

    Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 146, Núm. 3


  1. Examination of the Feynman-Hibbs Approach in the Study of NeN-Coronene Clusters at Low Temperatures

    Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 120, Núm. 27, pp. 5370-5379


  1. A minimal representation of the self-assembly of virus capsids

    Soft Matter, Vol. 10, Núm. 20, pp. 3560-3569


  1. Confinement effects on water clusters inside carbon nanotubes

    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 116, Núm. 32, pp. 17019-17028

  2. Optimal covering of C 60 fullerene by rare gases

    Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 137, Núm. 7

  3. Water clusters confined in icosahedral fullerene cavities

    Chemical Physics, Vol. 399, pp. 240-244


  1. Modeling water clusters on cationic carbonaceous seeds

    Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 114, Núm. 27, pp. 7267-7274