Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Lorenzo Moreno Ruiz (9)


  1. An asymptotically optimal detector for Gaussianity testing

    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 53, Núm. 11, pp. 4186-4193

  2. Cytological image analysis with a genetic fuzzy finite state machine

    Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 80, Núm. SUPPL. 1


  1. SICOLE: diagnóstico y tratamiento computarizado de la dislexia en español

    Pixel-Bit: Revista de medios y educación, Núm. 24, pp. 101-111


  1. Cytological breast fine needle aspirate images analysis with a genetic fuzzy finite state machine

    Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems

  2. Procedures Based on Simulation and Hardware for a Computer Architecture Course

    Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Vol. 10, Núm. 1, pp. 11-17

  3. Two problems in fuzzy state machine design: Structure definition and rule base simplification

    IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)


  1. Combinación de prácticas de simulación y reales para un curso anual de arquitectura de computadores

    VII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática, JENUI 2001: Palma de Mallorca, del 16 al 18 de julio de 2001