Morera Cáceres
Department: Psicología Cognitiva, Social y Organizacional
Research institute: IUNE institute
Area: Social Psychology
Research group: Investigación psicosocial en salud y seguridad organizacional (IPSSO)
Email: ymorera@ull.edu.es
Personal web: https://www.ull.es/institutos/instituto-universitario-neu...
Área de Investigación: Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas
Doctor by the Universidad de La Laguna with the thesis Dinámica de fuerzas en la comprensión de oraciones el papel de los conectores causales y adversativos 2009. Supervised by Dr. Manuel de Vega Rodríguez.
I started my research career with a pre-doctoral fellowship (FPI) in the field of basic psychology. During this period I carried out several research stays at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and Florida State University (FSU). In 2009, I defended my doctoral thesis entitled "Force dynamic in the comprehension of causal and adversative connectives", supervised by Prof. Dr. Manuel de Vega. In this work, we aimed to test embodiment theories in a novel way. In 2011, I secured a postdoctoral research contract at the Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva de La Laguna (IUNE), where I began specialised training in different cognitive neuroscience techniques (EEG, TMS, tDCS, among others). Since 2012, I have been working as a lecturer in the Department of Cognitive, Social and Organisational Psychology at the Universidad de La Laguna. Currently, I am part of several established research groups related to social and cognitive psychology, where I am developing different lines of research related to embodied theories of meaning, negation processing, cognitive load, and social cognitive processes.