Christopher Bryan Anderson
Profesor Contratado Doctor
Tesis dirigidas (1)
The maker and the mask: Cosmic web and dust effects in the formation and emission of galaxies 2015
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Obreja, A.C.
Tribunales de tesis (4)
Presidente del tribunal
Morphology and metallicities of otelo galaxies 2021Universidad de La Laguna
Nadolny, Jakub
Secretario del tribunal
Unveiling the chemo-dynamical properties and origin of thick disks in galaxies 2018Universidad de La Laguna
Pinna, Francesca
Vocal del tribunal
Thick discs and truncations in spiral galaxies 2018Universidad de La Laguna
Vocal del tribunal
Star-forming galaxies as tools for cosmology with new-generation spectroscopic surveys 2016Universidad Autónoma de Madrid