Inocencio Rafael
Martín Benenzuela
Catedrático de Universidad
Inocencio Rafael Martín Benenzuela-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (50)
Enhancing luminescence and dielectric properties in ceramics: rare-earth modification of KMg4(PO4)3-based materials
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 35, Núm. 6
Exploring Ln(III)-Ion-Based Luminescent Species as Down-Shifters for Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Materials, Vol. 16, Núm. 14
Multifunctional optical sensing platform of temperature, pressure (vacuum) and laser power density: NaYF4: Gd3+, Yb3+, Er3+ nanomaterial as luminescent thermometer, manometer and power meter
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 11, Núm. 30, pp. 10221-10229
Energy transfer studies in tb3+-yb3+ co-doped phosphate glasses
Materials, Vol. 14, Núm. 22
Er3+/Ho3+ codoped nanogarnet as an optical FIR based thermometer for a wide range of high and low temperatures
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 847
Luminescent Nd3+-Based Microresonators Working as Optical Vacuum Sensors
Advanced Optical Materials, Vol. 8, Núm. 19
Visible and NIR emitting Yb(iii) and Er(iii) complexes sensitized by β-diketonates and phenanthroline derivatives
RSC Advances, Vol. 10, Núm. 46, pp. 27815-27823
Synthesis, luminescence, and electrical properties of Na6Mg(SO4)4:xEu vanthoffite ceramics as electrode materials for sodium ion batteries
Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, Vol. 247
Alternative and fully experimental procedure for characterizing down-shifters placed on photovoltaic devices
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 185, pp. 312-317
Analysis of the upconversion emission of yttrium orthoaluminate nano-perovskite co-doped with Er3+/Yb3+ ions for thermal sensing applications
Journal of Luminescence, Vol. 202, pp. 316-321
Comparison of the sensitivity as optical temperature sensor of nano-perovskite doped with Nd3+ ions in the first and second biological windows
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Vol. 255, pp. 970-976
Downshifting maximization procedure applied to [Eu(bphen)(tta)3] at different concentrations applied to a photovoltaic device and covered with a hemispherical reflector
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, Vol. 271, pp. 60-65
High pressure luminescence of Nd3+ in YAlO3 perovskite nanocrystals: A crystal-field analysis
Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 148, Núm. 4
High pressure sensitivity of anti-Stokes fluorescence in Nd3+ doped yttrium orthoaluminate nano-perovskites
Journal of Luminescence, Vol. 196, pp. 20-24
Lanthanide-doped Y3Ga5O12 garnets for nanoheating and nanothermometry in the first biological window
Optical Materials, Vol. 84, pp. 46-51
Nanoperovskite doped with Yb3+ and Tm3+ ions used as an optical upconversion temperature sensor
Optical Materials, Vol. 83, pp. 187-191
Luminescence properties of Pr3+ ion doped Mg-picromerite Tutton salt
Journal of Luminescence, Vol. 188, pp. 148-153
Optical properties of Nd3+-doped Tutton salts crystals
Journal of Luminescence, Vol. 192, pp. 136-140