Sociología y Antropología

Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Rodolfo Barreiro (8)
Assessing the importance of kelp forests for small-scale fisheries under a global change scenario
Frontiers in Marine Science, Vol. 9
Can Local Knowledge of Small-Scale Fishers Be Used to Monitor and Assess Changes in Marine Ecosystems in a European Context?
Human-Nature Interactions, pp. 299-314
Small but strong: Socioeconomic and ecological resilience of a small European fishing community affected by a submarine volcanic eruption
Ocean and Coastal Management, Vol. 223
Recreational snorkeling activities to enhance seascape enjoyment and environmental education in the Islas Atlánticas de Galicia National Park (Spain)
Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 272
Designing trails for subaquatic tourism in Marine Protected Areas
Frontiers in Marine Science, Vol. 1
El Paisaje Submarino del Parque Nacional Marítimo Terrestre Islas Atlánticas de Galicia. Snorkel como vehículo para divulgar y conservar
Boletín de la Red de Parques Nacionales, pp. 17-19
El paisaje submarino de las islas Cíes
Quercus, Núm. 342, pp. 24-32
Percepción del fondo marino y su biodiversidad por medio del snorkel en el Parque Nacional de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia
XVII Simposio Ibérico de Estudios de Biología Marina (SIEBM)