Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (274)


  1. Covariance matrices for variance-suppressed simulations

    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 518, Núm. 3, pp. 3737-3745

  2. The Undiscovered Ultradiffuse Galaxies of the Local Group

    Astrophysical Journal Letters, Vol. 946, Núm. 2


  1. A new reference catalogue for the very metal-poor Universe: +150 OB stars in Sextans A

    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 516, Núm. 3, pp. 4164-4179

  2. Active Galactic Nuclei population studies with the Cherenkov Telescope Array

    Proceedings of Science

  3. An extreme blue nugget, UV-bright starburst at z = 3.613 with 90 per cent of Lyman continuum photon escape

    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 517, Núm. 2, pp. 2972-2989

  4. Application of pattern spectra and convolutional neural networks to the analysis of simulated Cherenkov Telescope Array data

    Proceedings of Science

  5. Bocapucheros (Almagro, Ciudad Real): nuevo tipo de enterramiento tumular en la Cultura de las Motillas

    SPAL: Revista de prehistoria y arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla, Núm. 31, pp. 31-74

  6. Detection methods for the Cherenkov Telescope Array at very-short exposure times

    Proceedings of Science

  7. Erratum: Resolving the age bimodality of galaxy stellar populations on kpc scales (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2017) 468 (1902-1916) DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stx251)

    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

  8. Exploring the population of Galactic very-high-energy γ-ray sources

    Proceedings of Science

  9. Forecasting the success of the WEAVE Wide-Field Cluster Survey on the extraction of the cosmic web filaments around galaxy clusters

    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 517, Núm. 2, pp. 1678-1694

  10. From Naked Spheroids to Disky Galaxies: How Do Massive Disk Galaxies Shape Their Morphology?

    Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 929, Núm. 2

  11. HAWC J2227+610: a potential PeVatron candidate for the CTA in the northern hemisphere

    Proceedings of Science

  12. Monte Carlo Simulations and Validation of NectarCAM, a Medium Sized Telescope Camera for CTA

    Proceedings of Science

  13. Overview of the Instrumentation for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument

    Astronomical Journal, Vol. 164, Núm. 5

  14. Performance of a proposed event-type based analysis for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

    Proceedings of Science