Aportaciones congreso (19) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. Dark matter content of ETGs and its relation to the local density of galaxies

    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union

  2. Dust around nearby stars (dunes): Description of the project and results.

    Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society - Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, SEA 2012

  3. EST: The largest and most sensitive spectropolarimeter

    Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society - Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, SEA 2012

  4. Evolution of the bar pattern speed with redshift

    Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society - Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, SEA 2012

  5. GATOS: A fast multi-channel imager and spectrograph for the Gran Telescopio Canarias

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

  6. HARMONI - First light spectrograph for the ELT: Instrument final design and quantitative performance predictions

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

  7. Kinematical mapping of the outskirts of elliptical galaxies using the OSIRIS tunable filters at gtc: A novel approach

    Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society - Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, SEA 2012

  8. Masgomas project: Two new obscured, massive and young galactic clusters

    Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society - Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, SEA 2012

  9. OSIRIS/GTC: Status and prospects

    Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society - Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, SEA 2012

  10. On the nature of O Vz stars in 30 doradus.

    Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society - Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, SEA 2012

  11. Otelo project: First results

    Proceedings of the 9th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society - Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VI, SEA 2010

  12. Present and future of the OTELO project

    Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society - Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VIII, SEA 2014

  13. SAFIR: Testing the coexistence of AGN and star formation activity and the nature of the dusty torus in the local universe

    Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society - Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, SEA 2012

  14. Status of the otelo project

    Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society - Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, SEA 2012

  15. Surface Rotation and Magnetic Activity of Solar-Like Stars: Impact on Seismic Detections

    Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings

  16. The VASCO project: 100 red transients and their follow up

    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC

  17. The deep spectrophotometric mosaic of the orion nebula. preliminary results

    Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society - Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, SEA 2012

  18. The galaxy cluster evolution survey (glace): Introduction and first results

    Proceedings of the 9th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society - Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VI, SEA 2010

  19. Towards a reliable star formation history of the galactic disk in the gaia era

    Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society - Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, SEA 2012