Aplicación de sistemas BIM y fotogrametría en implantación de modelos de franquicias

  1. Loredo Conde, Antonio José
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Manuel Reyes Rodríguez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 21 December 2016

  1. Fernando Lopez Rodriguez Chair
  2. Alberto Domingo Cabo Secretary
  3. Norena Martín Dorta Committee member
  4. Justo García Sanz-Calcedo Committee member
  5. Óscar Liébana Carrasco Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 446219 DIALNET


BIM in engineering and construction is more than a 3D drawing, more than a virtual model. Until now it´s still common that most of the construction works are planned under CAD protocol, data collection systems and end 2D graphics solutions are designed for this CAD system and they are not linked to ancillary data or metadata. Our goal is study the advantages in construction management brought about by the use of (Building Information Modeling) BIM systems, and demonstrate that costs and time are reduced in decision-making response, especially in a franchise environment where projects and work items are repetitive. We focus the study in a way that allow us to get BIM models by different techniques, including photogrammetry and a comparative work process is done, taking data of 121 projects in a franchise chain. Work samples are statistically processed and descriptive and comparative results are presented. We pretend know if we gain in time, costs are reduced and the company image is improved. We studied several stages like comparative time / cost data collection and processing them, monitoring time decision making to investing, monitoring time to the end of the work and sampling by Likert scale interview for assessment of subjective perception of quality data. Except for the latter, since it is not economically quantifiable, we use a formulation of the results of costs and a comparative of CAD / BIM processes based in ROI (Return of investment) obtaining values that justify the technical and economic benefits of implementing BIM.