Comportamiento mecánico y corrosión marina de diversas aleaciones férricas utilizadas en buques y en sus componentes

  1. Varela Fernández, Nuria
Supervised by:
  1. Juan José Galán-Díaz Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 21 June 2016

  1. Antonio Macías García Chair
  2. José Carbia Secretary
  3. Manuel Eulalio Torres Betancort Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 421567 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


The corrosion is a problem that it affects to different parts of the ship, so much for exhibited outdoors like the interiors of the ship. An important factor at the time of fulfilling established period is the engine, but also its manufacture that assures the reliability of the same one. To determine the suitability of the material of the engine, the different pieces have been examined across a chemical analysis, spectrographic test and of a tensile test. The processes, that cause the corrosion, have been studied in the chapter Fourth as previous study of the following chapters. There have been checked the possible elements involved in its beginning and the different nomenclature depending on the same ones, as well as, its effects. Later, it is studied the internal corrosion of the tanks of a ship, examining by means of ultrasounds the materials of the water tanks and the ballast tanks, examining the differences as the end to which every tank is dedicated. Finally, two cases of corrosion are studied in the deck and in the hull of the ship. A study of the results obtained after the measurements of the thickness was realized by means of ultrasounds of the sheet and one reflects on its effects depending on the location of the mistake. The inspection was realized in the parts which was or not submerged.