(Re) pensando la educación intercultural desde Ecuadorel camino hacia el diálogo intercultural y el alcance del buen vivir

Supervised by:
  1. María Inmaculada González Pérez Director
  2. Ruth Moya Torres Co-director
  3. Remedios Guzmán Rosquete Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de La Laguna

Fecha de defensa: 28 September 2017

  1. María Lourdes C. González Luis Chair
  2. Pilar Martínez Clares Secretary
  3. Jorge Gómez Rendón Committee member
  1. Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia, la Educación y el Lenguaje

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 505434 DIALNET lock_openRIULL editor


(Re) thinking about Intercultural Education from Ecuador: the road to Intercultural Dialogue and the Scope of Good Living This dissertation analyzes the situation of Intercultural Education in the Republic of Ecuador from the analysis of an educational model that is developed under the paradigm of interculturality, plurinationality, diverse cultural identities and the philosophy of Good Living (Sumak Kawsay). In light of its intercultural educational policies, we approach the educational practices developed in the National Education System through the opinions and assessments of the social and educational actors that are inserted in it. Given the enormous variety of peoples and nationalities that exist in the country, it is necessary to have a selection of research academic centers that will make it possible to have a broad, heterogeneous and representative view of the Ecuadorian educational context. Through a research methodology, information was obtained from relevant socio-educational actors in the field of Ecuadorian Intercultural Education and from educational actors (directors, teachers, students and families), as well as from bilingual and non-bilingual public education centers in the three regions that make up the country in its continental territory (Sierra, Coast and Amazon). The results, derived from the open and axial coding, were discussed according to the objectives, giving rise to the conclusions, which are approached from a triple perspective: - Conceptual pillars that underlie the dialogical educational interconnections between cultures and their consequences in the relationships that occur between the different groups in the educational field. - Perception of different social and educational actors on legal and political proposals in Intercultural Education. - Adaptation of the educational actions developed in multicultural school contexts to the legislative proposals and the current model of Intercultural Education. From the conclusions proposals and challenges arise for possible actions that can contribute to the improvement of Intercultural Education in Ecuador. Keywords: Intercultural Education; Cultural Diversity; Intercultural Dialogue; Good Living (Sumak Kawsay); Educational Goals 2021; Ecuador.