Material audiovisual de apoyo al aprendizaje de alfabeto árabe

  1. Dolores Serrano-Niza
  2. M.ª Belén San Nicolás Santos
De la innovación imaginada a los procesos de cambio
  1. Ana Vega Navarro (coord.)
  2. David Stendardi (coord.)

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de La Laguna

ISBN: 978-84-15939-62-7

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 357-368

Type: Book chapter


The first essential step to learn the Arabic language is the assimilation of its alphabet. Among the characteristics of this alphabet is the “italics”, a particularity that produces different forms in each of its 28 letters, depending on their position in the word. This fact supposes for those who begin to learn Arabic writing an additional difficulty in learning the alphabet itself. For this reason, our main objective has been to generate a series of audiovisual resources that constitute a support for learning to write Arabic, speeding up the assimilation of the writing process and consolidating learning. To this end, we have classified the totality of the letters of the alphabet in a didactic way, avoiding their traditional way of teaching “in alphabetical order”. Therefore, we have created didactic groups of progressive complexity where the letters are gathered associated by similarity in their form or by their degree of complexity in the execution. After this, a series of micro-videos - with different calligraphies - have been recorded, where the trace that can be done in each letter can be carefully observed. In addition, each letter carries associated, to its isolated or paradigmatic form, an audio with its sound. Finally, we have made a selection and classification of vocabulary words that allow to rehearse and memorize the letters that are being learned. In this way two goals are achieved: to learn to link the letters and to combine with each other since this is one of the greatest complexities of Arabic writing.