Aprender árabe con un material interactivo

  1. Serrano-Niza, Dolores
  2. San Nicolás Santos, María Belén
  3. Soto Martín, Ovidia
Imaginar y Comprender la Innovación en la Universidad: VII Jornadas de Innovación Educativa de la Universidad de la Laguna
  1. Vega Navarro, Ana (coord.)
  2. Stendardi, David (coord.)

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de La Laguna

ISBN: 987-84-15939-57-3

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 273-288

Congress: Universidad de La Laguna. Jornadas de Innovación Educativa de la ULL (7. 2016. La Laguna)

Type: Conference paper


In this paper, we present a proposal for interactive vocabulary in Arabic (kalam) in order to make learning Arabic lexicon easier at the basic level, around 200 words of A.1.1 level in The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). All of these words have an audiovisual association and, to consolidate this learning, we have prepared different types of interactive exercises that provide the user with feedback on their successes and mistakes. In these pages, we describe the tool and so the results we obtained in these lasts academic years, where we have implemented the interactive material.