Prácticas educativas mediadas por TICUn análisis de la metodología del profesorado a través del Programa Escuela 2.0

  1. Carlos José González Ruiz 1
  2. Sebastián Martín Gómez 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Laguna

    Universidad de La Laguna

    San Cristobal de La Laguna, España


ReiDoCrea: Revista electrónica de investigación y docencia creativa

ISSN: 2254-5883

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: Monográfico sobre estrategias docentes digitales

Volume: 8

Pages: 75-85

Type: Article

DOI: 10.30827/DIGIBUG.58501 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDIGIBUG editor

More publications in: ReiDoCrea: Revista electrónica de investigación y docencia creativa

Sustainable development goals


The methodological strategies carried out by the teacher in the classroom have been the object of study during the last decades. The inclusion of ICT in the ordinary classroom has revolutionized in one way or another the methodology used by teachers. An example of this was the Escuela 2.0 Program, which was born with the objective of digitizing the Spanish education system through the provision of resources: mini-laptops, interactive whiteboards and internet connection. In this article, and with the invaluable collaboration of four public primary education centers, we analyze the arrival of the aforementioned program, through the case study methodology, focusing on the methodological strategies carried out by teachers. For this, twelve interviews with the management team and teachers of the centers have been carried out, classroom practices have been observed, as well as an analysis of said data to offer a more current panorama. The results indicate that the very arrival of these resources in the classroom has led teachers to rethink their class dynamics, as before they focused solely and exclusively on the textbook.

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