Visiones del profesorado de educación primaria sobre la creación y uso de materiales didácticos digitales en las aulas
Universidad de La Laguna
ISSN: 2254-5883
Year of publication: 2019
Issue Title: Monográfico sobre estrategias docentes digitales
Volume: 8
Pages: 103-114
Type: Article
More publications in: ReiDoCrea: Revista electrónica de investigación y docencia creativa
With the rise of information and communication technologies (ICT), different types of digital teaching materials (MDD) emerge that are incorporated into the range of teaching resources that teachers can use in classrooms. The objective of this communication is to analyze the evaluation made by teachers of these materials, so the analysis of three group interviews in which their importance is discussed, the preferences of teachers and students, the evaluation they make of the digital-book, which they are the characteristics of the MDD they use and what are their main advantages and difficulties. To this end, a qualitative study was carried out on the teachers' vision in the use and creation of MDD. A total of ten primary school teachers from the autonomous community of the Canary Islands participated in these group interviews. Some of the most prominent conclusions focus on technical difficulties such as connectivity or obsolescence of the technological equipment available at the center. Despite this, teachers recognize the potential of digital resources for the impact on student motivation, for its innovative nature and interactive possibilities
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