El Programa de Orientación Educativa y Sociolaboralun instrumento para facilitar la toma de decisiones en Educación Secundaria
- Santana Vega, Lidia Esther
- Feliciano García, Luis Antonio
- Cruz González, Ana Esther
ISSN: 0034-8082
Year of publication: 2010
Issue Title: La transición a la vida activa
Issue: 351
Pages: 73-105
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de educación
INTRODUCTION. The aim of this research is to facilitate 3rd and 4th year Secondary School students decision making processes. The Educational and Socio-labour Guidance Program was applied with this purpose in tutoring as well as in different subjects. METHODOLOGY. 3rd and 4th year students, teachers and the school adviser of a public Secondary School of Tenerife island took part in the research along with a university adviser. Qualitative and quantitative instruments were used to obtain information: a questionnaire, individual and collective interviews and work meeting minutes. RESULTS. 1) The application of the Educational and Socio-labour Guidance Program supposed the introduction of substantial changes in the tutoring planning for teachers. 2) Students modified their perception of the tutoring. They consider it now a relevant subject to construct their life project, instead of an hour devoted to catching up the subjects. 3) The integration of the program in the curriculum implied for teachers the possibility of perceiving the guidance dimension of subjects and its link with the contents of tutoring, thus supporting common performance trends. 4) The collaborative work became a challenge for the school adviser. Moreover, it prevented her from feeling the «loneliness of the long distance runner» produced by a domino delegated task were added to some other functions. CONCLUSIONS. The Educational and Socio-labour Guidance Program and its offer of tutoring projection toward the subjects and the subjects toward the tutoring constitutes a way of facilitating the transition of students between educational stages and their insertion in the labor market. Likewise, the program constitutes a step for the creation of a collaborative work culture in Secondary School, as well as an opportunity to generate a space for dialogue, reflection and criticism on teaching work.
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