Antiprotozoal activities of marine polyether triterpenoids

  1. Díaz-Marrero, A.R.
  2. López-Arencibia, A.
  3. Bethencout-Estrella, C.J.
  4. Cen-Pacheco, F.
  5. Sifaoui, I.
  6. Hernández Creus, A.
  7. Duque-Ramírez, M.C.
  8. Souto, M.L.
  9. Hernández Daranas, A.
  10. Lorenzo-Morales, J.
  11. Piñero, J.E.
  12. Fernández, J.J.
Bioorganic Chemistry

ISSN: 1090-2120 0045-2068

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 92

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.BIOORG.2019.103276 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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