Ultrafast laser writing of optical waveguides in ceramic Yb:YAG: A study of thermal and non-thermal regimes

  1. Benayas, A.
  2. Silva, W.F.
  3. Ródenas, A.
  4. Jacinto, C.
  5. Vázquez De Aldana, J.
  6. Chen, F.
  7. Tan, Y.
  8. Thomsom, R.R.
  9. Psaila, N.D.
  10. Reid, D.T.
  11. Torchia, G.A.
  12. Kar, A.K.
  13. Jaque, D.
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing

ISSN: 0947-8396 1432-0630

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 104

Issue: 1

Pages: 301-309

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1007/S00339-010-6135-9 GOOGLE SCHOLAR