Aplicación de imágenes 3D para la interpretación de los briófitos en la docencia de Botánica

  1. La Serna Ramos, Irene E.
  2. Losada Lima, Ana
  3. León Arencibia, María Catalina
  4. Vallejo Gutiérrez de Salamanca, Elisa
  5. Hernández Borges, Javier
  6. García Gallo, Antonio
Imaginar y Comprender la Innovación en la Universidad: VII Jornadas de Innovación Educativa de la Universidad de la Laguna
  1. Vega Navarro, Ana (coord.)
  2. Stendardi, David (coord.)

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de La Laguna

ISBN: 987-84-15939-57-3

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 313-324

Congress: Universidad de La Laguna. Jornadas de Innovación Educativa de la ULL (7. 2016. La Laguna)

Type: Conference paper


The two «Educational Innovation Projects» awarded by the Vicechancellor for Institutional Quality and Educational Innovation of the University of La Laguna (ULL) in the 2014-2015 call, and by the current Vice-chancellor for Teaching in the 2015-2016 call to three professors of the Botany area involved in the teaching of this discipline in 3 subjects («Botany 1», «Botany» and «Botany and Plant Physiology») of 3 ULL degrees (Degree in Biology, Environmental Sciences and Pharmacy, respectively), have allowed us to hire the services of a graphic designer for the elaboration of the 3D images of the part of the «Manual of practices of Botany on-line» corresponding to the «Bryophytes». In the first project (October 2014-November 2015) we addressed the «foliate bryophytes» while the «Thallose bryophytes» were addressed in the second (October 2015-November 2016). Since the students already had the first part of the manual dedicated to the «Foliose bryophytes» in their virtual classroom, in this work, apart from presenting this new didactic resource, we present the initial assessment of its use and acceptance by part of the students in the laboratory practices of the subject «Botany» of the Degree of Environmental Sciences. This evaluation was developed using an anonymous questionnaire carried out with personal response systems (clickers). The obtained results allow us to affirm that the 3D illustrations for which funding was requested, have aroused students� interest, have helped them to better understand the terminology and concepts of the manual which is structured in accordance with the practices and has been useful to them in their learning process.