Informaciones sobre el uso en diccionarios bilingües español-inglésaplicaciones didácticas de las marcas

  1. Dolores torres medina
Lexicografía y didáctica: Diccionarios y otros recursos lexicográficos en el aula
  1. Maria José Domínguez Vázquez (coord.)
  2. Maria Teresa Sanmarco Bande (coord.)

Verlag: Peter Lang USA

ISBN: 978-3-631-66448-3

Datum der Publikation: 2017

Seiten: 359-376

Art: Buch-Kapitel


The practical value of labelling is particularly relevant in bilingual dictionaries as they should offer non-native users effective information about the use words. Therefore, the aspects concerning usage labels are a need directly related to the purpose for which these lexicographic works have been created. In second language acquisition, this is an important aspect in active language skills such as writing. The aim of this work is to analyse to what extent the information given by Spanish-English dictionaries about the style and register of words is accurate, systematic and, therefore, useful for university students in their production of academic assignments. This will be done through the analysis of specific words related to the essay topics in terms of their degree of formality and adequacy through different vocabulary and dictionary-related exercises.