El primitivo poblamiento humano de Canarias en la obra de Dominik Josef Wölfedla prehistoria insular como "cultura marginal o de frontera"

  1. Arco Aguilar, María del Carmen del
  2. Farrujia de la Rosa, Augusto José
Tabona: Revista de Prehistoria y de Arqueología

ISSN: 0213-2818

Year of publication: 2003

Issue: 12

Pages: 17-44

Type: Article

More publications in: Tabona: Revista de Prehistoria y de Arqueología


The study of the primitive human colonization of the Canary Islands starting from the ethno-historiographical sources, from Historiography and from Archaeology, has led us to study Dominik Josef Wölfel’s works, among other author’s. His contribution to this parcel of the Canarian archaeological investigation has never been studied before, being basically analyzed his philological contribution as a berberist. Aware of this problem, we investigate in this article which was his contribution to the study of the during primitive times insular colonization.