In vitro propagation of Helianthemum bystropogophyllum Svent., a rare and endangered species from Gran Canaria (Canary Islands).

  1. Santana López, Isabel
  2. Luis Jorge, Juan Cristo
  3. Ravelo Armas, Margarita
  4. Valdés González, Francisco
Botánica Macaronésica

ISSN: 0211-7150

Year of publication: 2004

Issue: 25

Pages: 71-78

Type: Article

More publications in: Botánica Macaronésica

Sustainable development goals


An efficient micropropagation protocol has been developed for Helianthemum bystropogophyllum Svent., an threatened species from Gran Canaria (Canary Island, Spain). Shoot tips and nodal segments isolated from seedlings were used as primary explants. Multiple shoot production was observed in MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of BA. Rooting was achieved in MS medium by adding IBA or without any plant growth regulators. An 82% survival rate was obtained in the acclimatisation process.