La gramática española desde la periferiala aportación de don Ireneo González i Hernández (1842-1918)

  1. Medina López, Javier
Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos

ISSN: 0570-4065

Year of publication: 2009

Issue: 55

Pages: 43-64

Type: Article

More publications in: Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos


In the context of the late nineteenth century, many grammars were published in Spain, from which different perspectives, addressing the description of the Spanish language. Foremost among these is the Gramática of the Real Academia Española, which exerted a marked influence on many authors. However, not all production grammatical earned the same recognition. Some treaties edited outside Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia, for example, had little impact and not passed the limits premises that were known. This is what, in these pages called «Spanish grammar from the periphery.» Such is the case of grammarian canary Ireneo González i Hernández (1842-1918). Possibly for an overwhelming majority the name of this author say little or nothing. Ireneo González is the author of two works of grammar that are of interest to Spanish grammar: Nociones de gramática castellana, conforme a los principios filosóficos (1882) and Compendio de gramática castellana (1895), both published in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands. Spain). The first of these works has a strong didactic purpose, while the latter represents a grammar which is embedded within the philosophical (logical), which warns easily in many compendiums and grammars of the time. The contents of the four parties that is divided in this era grammar (analogy, syntax, prosody and spelling) are explained by the technique of query in the Nociones, while in the Compendio, on the contrary, we find a work firmly established and on which it has disappeared, significantly, the indoctrinatory character presents at the first. We are now faced with a grammar similar to those published over the nineteenth and whose length is sufficient to explain the thinking philosophical-gramatical of its author. The basics are a prelude to the most elaborate production that warns the Compendio. Thus, in these pages I will submit to this canary grammarian; I will go into the overall structure of the two works grammars; I will show what their theoretical component and what, ultimately, the doctrine by which our linguistic author transits. Also I will relate these grammars of Ireneo González with others of his time, especially taking as a starting point the studies Gomez Asencio (1981) and Calero Vaquera (1986), as between them cover the whole area in the nineteenth century Spanish grammar.

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