Sexo y cohorte como fuentes de diferenciación de valores en la sociedad postmoderna

  1. Yagüe López, Laura
  2. Sánchez Rodríguez, Ana Isabel
  3. Miguel Negredo, Adelia de
  4. Gómez Becerra, Inmaculada
International journal of psychology and psychological therapy

ISSN: 1577-7057

Año de publicación: 2013

Volumen: 13

Número: 2

Páginas: 243-253

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: International journal of psychology and psychological therapy


The aim of this study was to analyze sex and cohort differences in ranking-emphasis on values measured using the Rokeach Value Survey in two groups of 122 adult and 150 young participants. Results indicate differences between cohorts in two-thirds of the final values and half of the instrumental values, and sex differences in seven final values and four instrumental values, showing a change in relevant values mostly in females. The results are discussed from the perspective of socio-cultural change that has taken place in Spain in the last decades and from the perspective of change in values ??in postmodern western society

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