Audiovisualización del papel. Usos del código QR para innovar en la industria periodística impresa
- Meneses Fernández, María Dolores
- Martín Gutiérrez, Jorge
- Álvarez Martín, Esther
ISSN: 0121-5051
Argitalpen urtea: 2014
Zenbakien izenburua: Innovación y Emprendimiento
Alea: 24
Zenbakia: 54
Orrialdeak: 67-80
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Innovar: revista de ciencias administrativas y sociales
The quick response QR code technology is undergoing development and continuous application dynamics. But the novelty factor of display technologies such as QR is just an excuse for being still insufficiently known and used by the press. The use of this code permeated advertising and marketing before any other display technologies. Generally, these technologies are still emerging in the printed journalism field. Such a rising situation explains the early disposal of some innovative use examples. This research, based on case studies, is justified by the info-communication potential provided by this display to the printed newspaper industry.