Tarimas en resistenciala responsabilidad docente con otro proyecto de mundo

  1. González Luis, María Lourdes C.
Revista colombiana de educación

ISSN: 0120-3916 2323-0134

Year of publication: 2015

Issue Title: Más sobre excelencia docente: reiteraciones y olvidos

Issue: 68

Pages: 41-63

Type: Article

DOI: 10.17227/01203916.68RCE41.63 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista colombiana de educación


The world is currently experiencing the threshold of a new era of paradigm shift at all levels. Actually, the way we have seen the world so far and how we get ready for its transformation is going through a revolution. Education is a human event, a social phenomenon, a political act. Therefore, communicators, teachers, researchers, developers, educators in any field are permanently invited to participate in this event, this phenomenon, this act. We cannot avoid or make-up this responsibility, although the deterrent measures, the imposed organizational strategies and the camouflaged guidelines have penetrated us, institutionally and personally, to the point that we do not recognize ourselves any longer. New references will appear on the teacher/pupil good work, other than those officially exemplar. For anyone who has not disagreed with the exemplary principles given, who insists on being faithful to the variable prescriptions of “the castes”, will fall into the schizophrenia. Presuming of health in a toxic environment may not be good; adapting happily to a sick environment cannot be healthy. We will have to assume this responsibility immediately; no need to wait for future memory to justify our blunders, when market goals have definitely hijacked the collective good judgment. Do not let them to distract us anymore.

Bibliographic References

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