Valoración enfermera de la neuropatía periférica diabética en Atención Primaria en CanariasFase inicial del estudio “NEUDIACAN”
- Carlos Enrique Martínez Alberto, Enfermero Doctor.
- Domingo Ángel Fernández Gutiérrez
- Pedro Ruymán Brito Brito
- Moisés Reyes Abreu
- Adrián Gaona Fernández
- Rosa María Mellado Tirado
- Armando Aguirre Jaime
ISSN: 1988-348X
Année de publication: 2017
Número: 11
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: ENE Revista de Enfermería
ABSTRACT Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is one of the most common and problematic complications of diabetes mellitus since it is the leading cause of ulcers and amputations in the lower limbs. The objective of the present study is to know how the assessment for DPN early detection is carried out in the Canary Islands’ primary health care setting. After accomplishing a bibliographic search in the main databases, no document was retrieved regarding the DPN evaluation by nurses. In order to obtain information about the accomplishment of these explorations in the Canaries primary health care setting, two data logbooks were designed: one for nurses and the other for physicians. They were distributed among health professionals of the different islands. The assessment of the DPN for needs to be improved. There is a direct relationship between training in diabetic neuropathy and the completion of this evaluation with the needed assiduity and valid methods and techniques. It is required to establish strategies for the primary health care personnel training in this field.
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