El empoderamiento de la gestante y su satisfacción durante el parto

  1. Vera Ferrer, Laura T.
  2. Novo Muñoz, María Mercedes
  3. Rodríguez Gómez, José Ángel
  4. Aguirre Jaime, Armando
  5. Fernández Méndez, Felipe Santiago

ISSN: 1989-7022

Datum der Publikation: 2018

Titel der Ausgabe: Vulnerabilidad, justicia y salud global

Nummer: 26

Seiten: 207-215

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Dilemata

Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung


The Birth Plan as a tool for the humanization of health helps professionals understand the needs, preferences and desires of pregnant women through comprehensive care based on the best evidence available for a shared decision-making from an ethical point of view; empowering women during childbirth in the face of possible inequalities in health. It is relevant to know the satisfaction during the care provided as an indirect measure and to detect aspects to be improved in the procedures that increase the quality of obstetric services. However, in the present study, women with a Birth Plan obtained lower levels of satisfaction and expectations that were not met in the end. The antenatal classes offered to pregnant women may generate rigid expectations or distant reality so that the Birth Plan works as an instrument of excellence in good practices.

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